Friday, April 24, 2009

Diverse Thoughts at Random

Several things have occurred to me lately. One is the idea that 1HW keeps saying, "You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your relatives."

My sister and I were not close as we were growing up, since she was six years younger than I and resented everything I did. I always was blamed for our shared room constantly being in a mess, which came to true light after I had left, when our parents discovered the real culprit. Later, when I was pregnant with # 1 daughter, she came to visit us in D.C., and after that we were friends. We have shared so much over the years, and she is a treasured friend now. So it hurts me when our siblings, two brothers, say things which hurt her. They seem to have arrived from another family and planet sometimes, and I keep trying to remember how we are related. Of course, as I recall, over the years they have also said things which have hurt me, but I keep remembering how they have always been and given awful comments to me, as well, whenever possible over the years. I wish I could have my sister understand the idea of "giving away" those thoughts, as well. It certainly helps. In the meantime, 1HW and I try to help her with whatever words we can over the long distance. We do love her!

And as I write, my thoughts are in Wilmington, NC, where granddaughter Ashley and her husband Tom are in the midst of delivering our first great grandchild. Finally after a week of induced labor, there seem to be results. This seems to be an awfully long time to have been in labor, induced or otherwise, and we can only continue to send thoughts, love, and prayers to both Ashley and Tom.

Now, as for work-kamping, it was a most hectic day, but it was also a day in which I was truly challenged about learning this new job at this "tender" age. Amazingly, I survived in great fashion, even if I do say so, and even better, the books balanced exactly at the end of a $6500 day, even with four of us working off and on. The park is almost at total capacity, with the finishing number of arrivals expected tomorrow, completing the Texas Woodcarvers' Society site. The two of us have truly enjoyed the mental and physical challenges, feeling that it is great for both of us! And, I must say, the friends and companionship are an added plus, even if we do not care for some of the live band music at the River Rock Saloon! How blessed we are to have this opportunity to have this growth experience at this stage of our lives!

We are so thankful for the friendships here and for our families scattered around the country. We are so very blessed! We wish all of you the same blessings and love!

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