Sunday, May 10, 2009

More Diverse Thoughts

Here it is May 10, already Mother's Day. I know that Mother's Day was created by Franklin "Deficit" Roosevelt, who was indeed a "mama's boy," and it is, therefore, a made-up holiday, but I still enjoy it, nevertheless. It is not that I need, want, or expect gifts; it is just that I so enjoy the memory of my grandmothers and mother, enjoy the company of my present "Mom," HW1's own mother, and I enjoy being a mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, and great-grandmother to an ever-enlarging brood. (I don't mention "step-mother" because I love the boys as much as if they were my own sons, so they are counted under the mothering category, as are the "in-law" sons and daughters. So far, we don't have any outlaws.). It seems that I and we are ever so very blessed to have such a wonderful expanded and collective family. So today I celebrate all of the women in my past and present family! I love you all! And, thank you to the men for their participation, too, or we would not have mothers! Happy Mother's Day, Mom, Kristy, Kimberly, Marlene, Traci, and Ashley!

It has also occurred to me, that even though we have been working on Sundays for the past six weeks and have not been able to attend church except at Easter, we still feel quite blessed. That good Holy Spirit keeps watching over us, in spite of our being here instead of at church! We have met many new people and have been able to provide companionship and friendship to some who may have been in need. That most surely has benefited us, as well. We have heard stories, offered consolation and cheer as we could, and we have laughed generously, heartily, and often. We have still been able to visit with church friends at other activities, and they have encouraged us, as well. We continually give thanks for each other and for our friends and family. We have been able, for the most part, to keep in touch with our immediate family members, and we cherish them. What more could we ask for than all of that? We are truly blessed, and we are most thankful.

And, so now we look forward to the rest of the summer! We look forward to celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, vacations, and visits! And, then, of course, there is always the arrival of Father's Day! I enjoy that one, too! Many smiles and thank-you's to all of you who brighten our lives so generously! We love you!

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