Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Nobel Peace Prize

Now, most of you know that I am but a simple girl from the country, married to a simple farm boy. However, neither of us simple folk can figure out something, so maybe you can help. While I have no great desire to see Al Gore as an American President, or maybe as anybody's president, I do have respect for his enthusiasm concerning the environment. I like green. I respect green. I try to do my part, although not as much as I should, and I appreciate the reminders of other things I could be doing. And even if I don't exactly agree with the Hollywood hoopla concerning his film, and Melissa Etheridge's gushing over him, he has done a good thing in providing more awareness. BUT...... THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE? Really! I know he has visions of whirled peas, their being green and all that, but what on earth does conservation have to do with world peace? Now, if he had gone to Jerusalem and organized a lasting settlement there between the Palestinians and the Israelis, yes! If he had been the one to cause the leaders of Iran, Iraq, and the US to sit down and negotiate a peace, YES! If he had even begun to solve the gang wars of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, and even Omaha and Albuquerque, a great big YES! If he had caused Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, whites, blacks, greens, and every other color and religious belief to respect each others' beliefs and cohabitate peacefully, absolutely YES! But, right now, I just don't get it. But, then, I'm just a simple girl from the country....

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

Simple? simple? Who are you talking about??? Yeah, we couldn't figure out the Peace Prize thing either, but then Den or Will said that they've EXPANDED the qualifications for the prize. Fuzzy if you ask me.