Friday, June 11, 2010

And A Time to Heal...

Until my Sweetie is back into the blogging business, I decided that I had better get with the program! So while he is snoozing, this a good time to bring everyone up to date.

First, you cannot imagine what a wonderful support group we have had, including our families, friends here in Kerrville, and friends across the country. We both fully believe that it has been those notes, cards, encouraging thoughts, and uplifting prayers which have made it so much easier to go through this whole procedure. Our pastors John and Rob call it, "steps in the journey," and, indeed, that is true. We both say thank you with all our hearts, for we truly love and appreciate you so much! A special thanks to our friends who are also our co-workers for their constant encouragement, support, and assistance through this! They are wonderful!

As of the moment (2:20 PM on June 11) he is resting comfortably, which is greatly due to the epidural catheter which is continuing to supply him with pain meds. What happens when that is removed remains to be seen, and we are not quite sure when that will occur, but most likely they will remove it this afternoon.

We were so relieved that the surgery went so well, with minimal blood loss and no transfusion necessary, as well as the biopsy of tissue around the prostate being free of cancer. The lymph nodes are being biopsied to make sure they are also clear. Then we just need some time for recovery. Right now, we are unsure of when he will be released from the hospital. Hopefully, his annoyingly loud and talkative roommate will be discharged today, and the room will be more quiet! Even just out of surgery yesterday, 1HW was making wise cracks and jokes with the nurses, so you can see he is not doing too badly!

I will continue to update the blog at least daily so all of you can know what is happening. I think, though, that I will spare you some of the gory details! TMI! And so now our prayers are moving from knowledge, skill, peace, and comfort through surgery to strength during the time to heal. And we continue to thank the Good Lord for all of you, as well! Blessings, and, happy travels!

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