Sunday, February 24, 2008

Five Funny Things, Part Two

There were at least five more funny things which I simply could not ignore, especially since they keep rearing their ugly heads day after day. And, since tonight is the millioneth Academy Awards show, that is a good place to begin.

6) They are frivilous, meaningless, trivial trash and wastes of time, but I still cannot help myself: I love those awards shows and beauty pageants. It's not that I care who wins, you see (unless it is a Chi Omega, for whom I will always cheer). It is the hoopla associated with all of it, including who will wear what dresses and look perfectly divine or absolutely awful, hair styles, shoes, and who will say what, ad nauseum. Since I once even emceed a Miss Oklahoma pageant, which was quite fun, I really enjoy those spectacles. AND, the sponsors do give out great scholarships. Kimberly even received and used a New Mexico Junior Miss UNM Presidential Scholarship, which was much appreciated! So they are not ALL bad.

7) This is a seriously sick thing to admit, but I actually do not mind cleaning, and I really do appreciate a clean house. It must be from the early training my grandmother gave me, which was reinforced at various times by loud parental guidance. Somewhere along the way, I just became very clean-conscious, thus the nicknames of Mrs. Clean, Mrs. Tidy-Bowl, and The Scrubbing Bubble. If you know that my mother-in-law cleans before I arrive, then you can only imagine the terror I have unwittingly inflicted on our poor, undeserving children and grandchildren. I am really sorry about that! In any case, I do receive a great deal of grief about it, deservedly! Sorry, guys!

8) I was a big blubber for several years. In fact, in junior high I was probably bigger than I am now. It has always been a constant fight to stay reasonably trim. So, every morning I get on the scales, and the grandkids know this! If I happen to eat a bit less lunch, you cannot imagine the comments! "Just don't get on the scale!" "Uh-oh, she must have weighed again this morning!" Once some un-named dears sneaked more bacon on my plate, thinking I wouldn't notice! HAH! You can get the picture. Even worse is 1HW who can really make some dandy comments, such as (looking over my shoulder), "Guess we're not gonna eat today!" or "I told you, don't weigh!" Basically, I am working hard to eat more balanced, healthier meals, which should set a better example!

9) 1HW has mentioned this, and it is true: I simply love to shop! Now that really does amuse all of the family! It's not just a matter of just going out to get something; it's a matter of finding just the right thing for a SALE and DISCOUNT! And, OH MY GOODNESS, what a wonderful challenge! It's like running a marathon! And, thank goodness, this wonderful characteristic has been passed down to the next two generations! You go, Girlfriends!

10) Last but not least, I am a real softie, and try as I might to avoid this terrible scene, I have to admit I cry. I usually don't cry when I am painfully hurt, but I can sure cry about almost everything else. Sad news about friends? I cry. Lisa dying in Funky Winkerbean? Many tears. The forest scene in the last Harry Potter book? I bawled. The Notebook? Almost a box of tissues. A mushy card from my sweetie? Yep. Thoughtful presents from kids and grands? Absolutely! Hymns that remind me of my mom? Of course! Watching grands play the piano? A waterfall! Needless to say, all weddings do me in completely! So, Kelsey and Perry, when you see me after your wedding looking like a royal mess, please don't misunderstand and think I'm sad! That will just mean it was beautiful! And so what if the kids laugh at me... It's just me again!

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