Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Five Funny Things About Me

Well, after Kristy and 1HW came up with five funny things about themselves, I felt obligated to do the same. It certainly does make you examine yourself! So I had to think about what 1HW, the kids, and the grands laugh about with me, and it didn't seem too difficult!

1) I am a number one klutz, and they ALL know it! The stories are just too numerous to count, and my brother can add to them. I can drop anything for no reason and stumble over nothing. My lack of coordination is simply amazing! Keilah does a great job of imitating me, too! Once I accidentally dumped a transistor radio in the toilet tank (still playing until the end). The latest episode is, of course, the bicycle crash!
2) Yep, vanity is another one they get me on. I always take off my glasses before someone takes a picture, which cracks them up. Like, what difference does it make? I have no idea, but I still do it. And my feet just automatically go into a traditional modeling pose. UGH! I just can't help it!
3) For all of the literature and English background, I can still mispronounce a word beautifully and nonchallantly, which 1HW always catches. That has been going on for years, too, beginning when I was eight and read Little Women. I tried for the longest time to figure out what "pre-judiced" meant. My dad never let me forget about referring to the New Orleans newspaper as the Times-Pecan instead of the Times-Picayune.
4) Although I really am not good at playing cards, I do occasionally win, which prompts some to say I am just faking it. I really cannot keep a count of the cards, because my mind tends to wander on to some other subject. So, it's always a surprise to me to win. Then come the cries of, "OH, NOOOO, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY THAT GAME," in mock high voices, followed by derisive laughter. Oh, dear, it's absolutely, truly an accident, guys!
5) I do tend to have a good time with a special occasion, such as the Fourth of July, and that really does make 'em laugh! Now, I do have to admit, it is great fun wearing the sequinned red, white, and blue hat and tie, with flag sneakers, and multi-colored patriotic star earrings. It was MUCH worse when I was teaching American history! Those outfits were REALLY good! Of course, the girls did not want to admit they knew me....
6) OH, YEAH... then there are the other hats and earrings, shoes and purses, usually color coordinated...and, I ALMOST FORGOT there is the cleaning (Mrs. Tidy-Bowl, Scrubbing Bubbles, Mrs. Clean)...and..

And, indeed, I am afraid MY list goes on and on..... One ex-sister-in-law used to tell her sons that I was their "Auntie Mame-Judy." I guess that tells the story. Well, hopefully, at least nobody will think I was too boring!

Now... what shall we find next week for five things? Thanks, Kristy! Great idea!


K said...

For the record, I never laugh at your injuries! Falls are only funny when they don't hurt. But the photo thing- yes, I laugh! You didn't mention the tilt the head thingee you do... (Kimberly will be nodding her head in agreement, I think...) :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are SO correct... Hurts are not funny, but no one laughs at the hurts, just the nonincidentals! And, as for the head tilty-thingee, yep! Guilty as charged, and Pops laughs, too! Do you s'pose I can change that? Hmmm... :->