Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Some Thoughts on Happiness

Sometimes I think 1HW writes as though to make some people think I am always happy. As much as I would like to be that way, it is simply not the case, in spite of Lincoln's wise words. Maybe most of us are probably just not cut out to be happy all of the time, in spite of our desire to be so. So even though I may sometimes present an image of cheerfulness, believe me, there are times when I, too, am not happy. I would truly enjoy being thoroughly happy all of the time, but there are too many extraneous incidences which I cannot at all control which seem to prevent that.

A while back, one of our grandchildren of whom I am particularly fond, seemed to be constantly making fun of me. For a long time I simply tried to ignore it, not making a big deal of a small situation. But when I told someone else about it, that person suggested that it was not respectful, and that I should say something about my feelings being hurt. So I did, and I have regretted it ever since, because it seemed to damage something in my relationship with that grandchild. That has hurt me much more than the comments ever did, and I can't seem to find a way to fix it. So, that was once again another lesson in why I should keep my feelings to myself and not let people know when I am hurt or unhappy, or even what I am thinking or feeling. That same thing seems to be the case any time I am feeling sensitive enough on any topic to actually say something to anyone, which leads me to feel that I should just keep my feelings to myself and keep my mouth shut to preserve the peace, regardless of how I feel.

On the other hand, I would constantly advise and admonish young people to speak truthfully about how they feel, that honesty is better than being deceptive, regardless of the level. However, I guess it is the old adage of "Do as I say, not as I do," which seems pretty two-faced and ambiguous to me. Maybe life is just too complicated to apply any set rules to general situations. All I know is, I will continue to try and think happy, most of the time, if maybe not today. I hope that you will think happy tomorrow, and I will try to, also.


K said...

I think that there is an important difference between happiness and joy. In my mind, happiness is a sort of temporal, emotional and conditional state, but joy is more of a heart condition of delight, the manifestation of the first catechism question- what is man's chief end? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Curious, I just looked up the use of "happy" in the Strong's bible concordance, and it goes back to "blessedness," or "to make straight." And, it seems many times, the bible commands us to rejoice. One of my favorite verses is Romans 12:15- Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. What a blessing it is, both to rejoice and weep with another, to have others both rejoice and weep with us. My vote is for honesty! :-)

K said...

I think that there is an important difference between happiness and joy. In my mind, happiness is a sort of temporal, emotional and conditional state, but joy is more of a heart condition of delight, the manifestation of the first catechism question- what is man's chief end? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Curious, I just looked up the use of "happy" in the Strong's bible concordance, and it goes back to "blessedness," or "to make straight." And, it seems many times, the bible commands us to rejoice. One of my favorite verses is Romans 12:15- Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. What a blessing it is, both to rejoice and weep with another, to have others both rejoice and weep with us. My vote is for honesty! :-)

C and J said...

However my daughters became so much wiser and dearer than their mother is a matter of rejoicing in itself! How thankful I am to be counseled so wisely. Thank you, Dear One! I rejoice in you and your fmily and in your sister and her family! What joys abound from all of you! Much love...

sperlonga said...

Proverbs also says, "Open rebuke is better than hidden love." I've wondered what that looks like. Good comments, K, we can not FEEL happy but still have an inner joy. A sort of quiet stream inside.