Friday, August 10, 2007

The Feeling Side

For years everyone in our family has given me a bad time over something I have apparently NO control. I can cry at the drop of a hat. If it's a sad movie, I cry. If it's a wedding, I cry. If I watch the grands playing the piano at recitals or church, I cry. It's really quite pathetic, and it's also really quite predictable. Sometimes the family members have even gone to the extreme of guessing exactly which Christmas or birthday present is the most special by which one gets the most tears. The waterworks are not affected by where I am, either. Church, theaters, at home, in restaurants., doesn't seem to matter. The worst cases, after, of course, the girls' graduations, weddings, and babies, have included the final chapters of the last Harry Potter book (where I sobbed), and the movies... Casa Blanca, GWTW, and, of course, the modern favorites of Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment, and The Notebook. Now, here I am, in Michigan, ready for the Sunday afternoon nuptuals of our oldest granddaughter, and I am absolutely determined NOT TO CRY! I know it will disappoint those near and dear who are ready for the upcoming waterfalls, but this time, NO! I am mentally and emotionally prepared! I will be happy and joyful for this special young couple. BUT, maybe, just maybe..... Maybe I had better stick with the waterproof mascara and carry my usual packet of tissues, just in case. But this time......


Anonymous said...

Not sure how this works,but I'll try. Loved both Judy and Chuck's blogs. Amazing what one can learn about friends that only enrich the love for them. But Judy, there's no mention of Chi O. ANd Chuck, if you want a picture of the gorgeous stained glass you gave us, we can send you one. Love, P and P

K said...

Pretty sure I saw some moisture... :-) xoxo.