Sunday, June 20, 2010

"Getting Back to Normal"

Just when we figure that things are "getting back to normal," something happens to change that concept. We have become adjusted to moving at a bit slower pace since 1HW's surgery. He has done so well, but we now realize that there is definitely a reason for the doctor's telling us that recovery will take at least six weeks and maybe longer. It will just take a while to get his strength and endurance back. He has been an uncomplaining, model patient throughout the hospital stay and the time here at home, but he is getting a bit bored with the sitting and lack of activity. Sudoku, Solitaire, and the Kindle occupy his days, along with some old movies. Max is back home, so he is walking Max for fun, too. Everyone in the park is keeping an eye on him when I am working, making sure he is not over-doing it. But, this morning we were able to attend church, which was wonderful!

On Thursday night our owner/manager Don was rushed to the hospital emergency room, where they did exploratory surgery and ended up removing a foot of his small intestine due to blockage. That was a big shock to all of us, and we have scrambled to figure out how to do the many things which Don handles. Some challenges will undoubtedly face us in that regard. Yesterday a friend went to see him and said he was pretty-well sedated with morphine, but no one has heard anything today. So the definition of "normal" is completely upset around here, made even trickier by the upcoming July Fourth weekend with a totally packed park ready for a festive party.

Normally, we do not receive too many family visitors down this way, especially in the summer. What fun that three different groups will be in our area this year! Jerry, Marlene and their children will be here right after the Fourth of July, staying here at the park and also in San Antonio for some summer fun at Six Flags and Schlitterbaun Water Park. We are so excited about that! During the third week in July, Kimberly will be in Austin for five days to attend and play at the International Clarinet Conference, and Christian (6) will be with her. What fun that will be! Our third visitors will be Kristy and Tim with their five, staying here during the third week of August. We are so looking forward to seeing them again!

Our usual mail is limited to a small packet from Escapees once a week. However, with 1HW's surgery so many thoughtful people have sent cards, notes, and flowers, and he has also received many phone calls from family and friends. The outpouring has been wonderful and has boosted his spirits so much. Many thank you's to all of you!

Meanwhile, our cabinetmaker has been on a cruise to celebrate his 40th birthday, so we still have big plastic boxes of food and cooking supplies on our bedroom window seat. Maybe not QUITE normal, either! Hopefully, they will be installed this week, and at least one thing will go back to "normal!"

If we ever get back to some semblance of "normal" any time soon, I'll let you know!

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