Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who's Guarding the Hen House?

Are we the only ones out there who are concerned? We think it is perfectly wonderful that this new government is willing to bail out the whole country, and, in addition, provide beautification for the D.C. Mall area, as well as provide birth contol, BUT who is going to pay for all of this? We think we know the answer: We are. As the costs for the stimulus and "bail out" continue to rise, so do our concerns. What "pork barrels" are included in this hugely expensive "stimulus bill"? AND, what, in the meantime, is happening to the annuties that, for so many of us who are retired, have continued to provide for us in our retirement? For those of you who wonder why so many of the former "retirees" are returning to work at parttime jobs, is there really a question? We do not want to have our children trying to provide for us, especially as many of them may end up struggling trying to pay for the new Obama economics.

And who is managing these economic times? Do any of you wonder how your income taxes will look in the future? How about turning these over to Timothy Geitner, who has neglected to pay HIS taxes frequently since 2002. 1HW phrased it pretty well when he said, "Well, there's nothing like having the cat guard the hen house." Well-spoken for a "simple boy from the country." Needless to say, we are concerned. How do you feel?


sperlonga said...

Dennis said it's far more complicated than that. I guess the guy worked for a company that didn't take out income tax. The gov't was supposed to pay part and he paid part, which he did, but the gov't didn't keep up its side which he didn't find out until later. Sounds like the guy did what he was supposed to do. This is just the skeleton of what Den told me.
It's really easy to say the "other" side is evil or stupid. Both parties do this.
You asked.:)

C and J said...

Thanks for sharing! Sounds like a true Democrat opinion! After years of hearing so much Bush bashing, it is wonderful to have a new series og targets, and I will continue to bash gleefully and deservedly!