Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Duane, Dot, and Daily Life Here

Duane and Dot, from Hastings, NE, are absolutely delightful. They are a few years older than we are, and, for the most part, they have stayed in NE their whole lives, quite different from we two. But we find a great deal to talk and laugh about. The common ground, other than NE, was in finding people who enjoy playing cards, especially Pitch and Pinochle, even if the game rules vary a bit. Dot has over the years also enjoyed many of the same wacky types of crafts I have done, but I was most disappointed to learn that she never has even seen, let alone make, those AWFUL acrylic grapes on logs which I made for so many people one Christmas. She is going to share some innovative knitting projects with me, too.

Their granddaughter was married last summer at the Joslyn Castle in Omaha, and it was absolutely gorgeous! In spite of the formality of the dress, I thought it most creative that she decided to serve cupcakes instead of a traditional wedding cake! Whoever made them placed them on tiered trays so that they had the same effect, and it was really quite fun! Does anyone out there need wedding or reception ideas?

Both of them were full of anecdotes and stories of all kinds, some serious and others not. Some of the best were about "Larry the Cable Guy," whom we actually have seen with Jeff Foxworthy on his TV show. Apparently, "Larry" whose real name is not Larry, is just about exactly in person just like he is in the shows. Duane said their kids got to know him, and now they have. They entertained us completely with "Larry" stories.

That was our fun last night.... Tonight is a big pot-luck supper, and our big casserole dish of chicken enchiladas is bubbling in the oven. Tomorrow has a ladies' sewing group, a history seminar, morning exercise, and in the evening Texas Hold 'Em and a group of Cards and Games. I think we'll bypass those for the OU-FL football game!

And, my big treat for the day.... a new sewing machine! Woooo-hoooo!!! It's a Brother combo sewing-embroidery machine that is just beckoning me! After doing a great deal of research, we decided on the less expensive WalMart version, first because the dealer ones are WAYYYYYYY too expensive, and second, because it has a money-back guarantee from W-M if I don't like it and a 25-year warranty from Brothers. Maybe tomorrow I can break it open and start in!!!! Any requests? The lady at W-M checked out 1HW's "Digger" sweatshirt and said, "Now you can make your own like that!" Ya think? we'll see!!!!!

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