Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It Must Be the Season...

It must be the season, but I will take it for now and for any and all seasons! We have been receiving the most wonderful little (and big) notes from friends all around the country, wonderful expressions of friendship and love. When 1HW put out a request for blog suggestions, he didn't know if he would receive any ideas, but good friend Terry (of one of his previous blogs) sent one, formed in one of the nicest compliments ever! And, sure enough, it is making him think about new ideas.

Then, I received a note from Terry, too, and truly, it is one of the most wonderful compliments I have ever received, so I am sharing it, with a huge public note of thanks to Terry.

You didn't ask for ideas, but I think you should write about laughter. More specifically, you should write about delight. I've seen you burst into laughter as a result of delight so many times. At least that's how it looks to me. I am delighted sometimes too, but you may have a corner on the delight market. And when you are delighted, it's contagious. It's a gift!

Just an idea. I've learned to throw ideas out there and let go of them. I do it with opinions too.

Wishing more laughter and delight to you,
Terry "

If I can only leave one legacy behind, this one would be fine with me. I have been so richly blessed in so many ways, that not to enjoy these gifts would be criminal, and surely an insult to the good Lord. Many years ago, I decided that life must be celebrated and enjoyed, and I decided that one of my goals would be to help others enjoy life, too. I decided that if the only thing I could do was cause a person, even a complete stranger, to smile, the day would have had some merit, regardless of anything else. So, I tried it, and it worked! Even in the busiest and snobbiest of cities... London, Paris, Chicago, New York, Kerrville, Friday Harbor, Omaha... people respond to a smile. I keep hoping that if they smile back at me, the smile will be extended to someone else, and the chain of humanity will go on. And sometimes, those complete strangers can even become friends, and we all need more of those. So, Terry has seen right through me. The best part is, the smiles and the laughter make us all feel so good! I delight in Chuck, and I'm pretty doggoned sure he delights in me, too! And, the two of us delight in our families and friends, our experiences together, and in this glorious time of the year! Thank you who read this for being a part of it, and a big thank you, Terry, for making me aware of it! I am smiling!!!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps your best legacy is smiling when indeed your body is crying. You have been doing this for years. I think it is amazing. Love ya

sperlonga said...

You ARE delightful! Thanks for bringing it to us, too! How many more days now....???

C and J said...

Just thinking of seeing you two makes me smile more! Can't wait!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Thanks for thinking I'm a sweetie. I have my moments. And I rest my case about you writing about being delighted. You know how to do it and it's a gift. I doubt you are delighted by accident. Maybe you look for things that delight you and roll with it. Inform the rest of us so we can be delighted more often too.

I doubt Chuck's School of Management is an accident either. Maybe you guys practice "purposeful living." Is there a book like that? Anyway, what you both know about happy living is worth telling.