Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Groupie

As so many of our friends and relatives know, it is really hard to be a groupie. You know, this following fame around everywhere... And it is especially difficult to be not only a groupie but also the business manager of one destined for stardom! Yes, I am speaking of my Sweetie, 1HW, newly discovered stained glass artisan! Gotta tell ya, it is one big, fat challenge to keep up with him! Just when I think I may have unpacked my bags for a week, there we are, back on the wanderin' road again. Now, you need to know, that when we are really seriously wanderin' all over the country in the RV, it is a pretty plush deal. I sit back in my comfort seat, reve the heat up on my achin' back, plug in earphones or put a CD in the computer, and off I go. I can even get up and move or stretch (there's even a clean bathroom!) and ease these arthritic bones. However, as much as I love our Trailblazer for everyday, ordinary around-the town-errands, these 1000 mile jaunts are getting to me! I mean, REALLY! I have only arranged two plugs for the computer and the GPS (fondly named "Maxine"), and there is barely room to hold the laptop without my legs overheating. So today (after a wee bit of a nap), I began my computer work, only to learn that the new Vista system does not make business cards. Now, that was a bit annoying, to say the least. So I tried Son-in-Law's Open Office system. That was designed for a REAL geek, not a pseudo-geek like me. (I had already tried to "borrow" a Microsoft Office download from a near and dear relative, but the computer kept complaining about it, so I deleted it.) Alas, I have not finished the label cards for the stained glass panels and have not finished new business cards for the maestro. Only one success was accomplished by this tired groupie today: a biography profile sheet. Looks pretty good, too, if I do say so myself! So, I guess it's off to whichever office supply shop is near tomorrow in Albuquerque to finally break down and BUY a Microsoft Office system. Could it be that Bill Gates is a part of a Capitalist plot? So, anyhow, Harold, thanks for leaving us with a few sips of Mondavi, the rest of which I enjoyed tonight! Cheers!

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