Tuesday, August 28, 2007


For several years now, Mondays have become special days for us, which we will greatly miss when we begin wandering again. On Mondays the older three children have been taking music lessons at the Omaha Conservatory, which total about three hours of time altogether. Needless to say, that was not much fun for the twins, so we and they decided that the time would be spent with us. Sometimes we have taken field trips to various places, which often included lunch out at a place of their mutual agreement, and sometimes we just goofed off at home, making lunch here, and also baking something, as well. One of our Monday field trips was our trying to get all of the facts to identify and locate the criminals who broke into our car, which the girls thought was great fun. At other times, we went over to Council Bluffs to pick up checks at the auction house where we had put antique goods up for sale. There were many things for them to see there, and we finished with lunch at the Old Market downtown at the Spaghetti Warehouse or Upstream Pub, both of which they chose. Needless to say, this did NOT go over very well with the older grands, who would immediately pump the girls for the pertinent info: "All right, where did you go today?" or "Well, what did you make for lunch this time?" At one point, the twins decided they would just not answer, but Keilah would always find a way to worm the answer out of Sarah. Now, this year, Susannah has decided that the Conservatory "is just TOO much pressure for me," and Liddy had taken on the advanced work there. So now we have the two S's on Mondays. Yesterday all of us were exploding in gales of laughter as Granddad taught the two how to play "Chopsticks" and "Heart and Soul." Then we made chocolate chip cookie bars and a wonderful lunch of grilled salami, cheese, tomato, and lettuce sandwiches. Mondays are such fun!

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