Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Am Very Frustrated!

Is orange an irate enough color to express anger and frustration? And, maybe, if I bold it, then the point will really be made! I am sick and tired of two things: political campaigning and medical TV commercials! Having begun like that, I guess these thoughts were precipitated by our watching the national news. It wasn't JUST tonight's programming which was so offensive; it is there almost every night now, as well as during the day, too, which I have observed during my morning exercise vigil with the "Today" show. It even bombards us in magazines, in newspapers, and online with pop-ups. First, I am just plain sick and tired of watching numerous candidates in Iowa, for example (a state with how many electoral votes?), determined to make the most of someone else's gaffs, statements, or appearances. What about Hilliary as a sex symbol because she showed too much cleavage? Give me a break! That is a no-brainer, or Bill wouldn't have been chasing interns. And Mrs. Obama and Mrs. Edwards? Really, they are NOT running, although they appear to be more intelligent than some of the candidates themselves. The same applies to Mrs. Guliani. And as for religion? That is not a Constitutional qualification, as Jack Kennedy used quite efficiently in 1960. Why aren't some of these people doing their jobs, which for many, should be adequately representing their constituents in Washington? (Of course, we have heard that many in NM would rather have Bill Richardson on the road instead of in Santa Fe!) And why don't the others even HAVE jobs? And, besides that, just because some of them have beaucoup $$$, why should that qualify them for office? It would seem that for someone to run for office, one would need to have millions stashed away, which brings up many other questions. How could a bright, honest, intelligent person even run for office now if he/she were not wealthy?Does integrity count at all any more? And, is there some other issue on which to run other than Bush's policies in Iraq? It seems like hardly anyone supports THAT any longer, and it must, therefore, be a given that policies will change. But what about other subjects of national concern? What about the homeless? What about crime? What about specifics on health care, especially for the elderly? That brings me to the next topic: prescription drugs. While we were in New York, talking with Mom, she brought up how much she has to pay for prescription drugs, and she is even on an insurance plan. Her drug costs are ranging over $3000, and she is even pretty healthy! Lately, I had to go through blood tests once every two months to try and find the right cholesterol drug, because our insurance would no longer pay for Lipitor, and the other drugs did not work as well. It seems to me that if the ever-so-wonderful Dr. Robert Jarvik would stop making commercials for Lipitor that the costs of the drug could be lowered. (I would like to see his face on a milk carton wanted picture right now, instead of on a commercial.) When we were in France, the medical costs for my broken finger were so much lower. Maybe they don't have as many hungry attorneys there, causing the malpractice insurance costs to rise astonomically. Hmmmmm....I am beginning to sound as sarcastic as Andy Rooney..... And, another thing.......


C and J said...

As a PS...I just wish that campaigns would be cut to six weeks and limited to a few debates for all elections. How much money do you suppose has been spent on all of these elections? Just think what all of those millions (billions?) could be used for in a more constructive manner. Makes me SOOOOO sad.

K said...

All these questions and more...
So, what are your solutions, Mrs. Wanderer? :-)

sperlonga said...

I was so glad to live out of the country for the 1988, 1992 and 1996 elections. Then we only had to listen to bits of the campaigning spiel that were on our one AFN channel (for the last two elections). In Scotland we didn't have to listen to ANY, well, just what the BBC put on. We did hear Bush's inaugural address, so we weren't totally out of it. Yeah, it's hard to listen to someone like John Edwards talk about compassion for the poor when he's out there spending millions. Not to mention the lifestyle of ANY of them!
It's easy to gripe!